
Horizon Hills FSC – HHFSC

Local FSC


The Horizon Hills Fire Safe Council was founded and incorporated in 2004 as a California 501(c)(3) non-profit public benefit corporation. We have successfully undertaken and completed four projects, including two grants from the National Park Service, one from the National Forest Service. Under the first two grants ($52,000 each) we have removed and thinned some 150 trees and have partially cleared brush and Horizon Hills back-canyon slopes. During the third grant ($21,000) we have continued to clear out canyon slopes and have removed a number of additional hazardous trees. We are currently executing a 5th Grant for $25,000.00, as noted below.

We have also received several recognitions from State and Local authorities for our accomplishments. For example, in 2007 we were awarded medals by the Secretary of Interior for our fire safety work. Also, in 2013, the leadership of the Horizon Hills Fire Safe Council was recognized for significant contributions to local fire safety and in 2014 recognition was awarded for excellence in project management by the California Fire Safety Council and the Los Angeles Fire Department, jointly, at a ceremony officiated by Los Angeles County Supervisor Mike Antonovich.

Most recently, we received a commendation from the City of Malibu for the contribution that our work made to the successful termination of a December 2017 brushfire by first responders during an intense Santa Ana wind storm.

Accomplishments from non-federal sources included several fire safety speaking engagements: one before L.A. County officials, one before fire insurance company executives, and one at a Farmer's Insurance Company-sponsored fire safety seminar. We were chosen to give these presentations for having carried out exemplary fire projects. In addition, we have hosted a pilot project for educating owners on structure projection measures. Finally, we have been invited to address the LA County Fire Department's brushfire training program for young officers later this year.

Our mission is to improve the wildfire safety of the community.

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