Our community came together in 1998 following the 1997 Mill Fire. It became clear that as residents we needed to take more responsibility for our properties and what we could do to make them more fire safe. In 1999, mentored by CAL FIRE Battalion Chief Steve Faris, we officially became the Mountain Rim Fire Safe Council (MRFSC). Our Council joined Chief Faris in spreading the word and ultimately helped create more than 14 councils throughout the Inland Empire.
In the past 22 years, MRFSC has received almost $3,000,000 in grants for fuel reduction and fire prevention education from Crestline to Green Valley Lake. MRFSC is now serving Big Bear Lake as well. We have funded innumerable Chipper Days, Adopt-A-Hydrant programs, smoke alarm, brush, and tree removal assistance programs. MRFSC has published multiple editions of "Living with Wildfire in the Inland Empire." MRFSC actively led in the organization of the Inland Empire Fire Safe Alliance (IEFSA), a coalition of fire safe councils, tribes, agencies, and others, which meets bi-monthly to discuss successes, challenges, and activity updates.
Our mission is to provide wildfire prevention education and activities within the San Bernardino Mountains.
Recent Updates
- Fire Hazard Abatement Assistance
- Hazardous Dead Tree Removal
- The Chipping Program has removed 352,615 cubic feet of slash in two seasons.