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Seeking Registered Professional Forester Services

The California Fire Safe Council seeks qualified Registered Professional Forester (RPF) services, preferably via a consulting forestry firm, to provide professional and technical expertise related to the development and implementation of a statewide environmental compliance technical assistance program for CFSC’s 2019 Grants Clearinghouse.

California Fire Safe Council (CFSC), a statewide 501c3 nonprofit corporation, receives federal grants under the USDA Forest Service State Fire Assistance (SFA) program to manage and administer a competitive, yet equitable online grant program through its Grants Clearinghouse. The Grants Clearinghouse provides subgrants to eligible organizations throughout the State of California and certain parts of the Tahoe Basin in Nevada. Subgrantees must have projects that assist residents and communities in the wildland urban interface (WUI) to moderate the threat of catastrophic fire through a) fuel-hazard mitigation; b) prevention and mitigation education; and c) community hazard mitigation and planning.

Through this Grants Clearinghouse process, CFSC becomes the grantor to the subgrantees and therefore is responsible for the selection of subgrants, distribution of funds, monitoring of subgrantees, federal reporting, and grant closeout. CFSC must ensure subgrantee compliance with all appropriate federal and other relevant regulations, including environmental and cultural protection laws,  including the Endangered Species Act, Migratory Bird Treaty Act, Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, and National Historic Preservation Act.

Download the Registered Professional Forester RFP here

For more information, please contact Clearinghouse Manager Amber Gardner, 916-256-3337, agardner@staging.cafiresafecouncil.org; Dan Lang, Senior Grant Specialist, 916-256-3621, dlang@staging.cafiresafecouncil.org; or Executive Director Tracy Katelman, RPF #2483, at 916-648-3613,tracy@staging.cafiresafecouncil.org.



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